If you are a YouTuber and want to know how much earning from YouTube in India, then this post is for you. We will discuss all the details related to making money from YouTube channels in India and we will also tell you if it is possible or not.

How much money do YouTubers earn in India?

YouTube is a very popular platform for video content. It has the second-largest search engine in the world, the third-largest social media platform in the world, and also one of the most popular video-sharing sites.

According to a report by Pew Research Center, YouTube has more than 1 billion unique users per month worldwide. The site earned an estimated $11 billion in 2017 through advertising revenue alone (it’s also worth noting that this figure includes ad revenue from both Google sites like DoubleClick and YouTube itself). According to the Statista data portal, there are over 400 hours of videos uploaded every minute on average on YouTube; that means you could spend at least eight hours watching videos every day just watching new ones!

How much money can a YouTuber make on YouTube?

If you’re a YouTuber and want to earn money, there are several ways that you can do it. The first one is by making an ad-supported channel. This means that you’ll have to put ads on your videos, and the revenue will go directly into your bank account. Another option is sponsorship deals with brands or companies who want their products featured in your videos (or even just mention them). Merchandise sales are another source of revenue for YouTube stars because they often sell merchandise directly after releasing new content; however, like most things on the internet these days—this is also changing quickly!

What are the highest-earning YouTube channels in India?

If you’re looking for a high-earning YouTube channel, look no further than Sachin Bansal. This is the highest-earning Indian YouTuber with over 20 million subscribers (as of May 2019). Sachin has made over $900K per year from his channels so far.

Rohan Agarwal, who has more than 1 million followers on his main channel alone, also makes good money with his website where he sells merchandise and video courses related to fitness motivation along with other similar offerings like yoga classes or meditation techniques. His earnings have been estimated at around $100K per month thanks to its popularity among Indians who are not only interested in fitness but also want something that can help them lose weight quickly while still maintaining their figure!

Pranay Singh’s Channel has been named one of the most popular YouTube channels in India since 2012 when it was launched by Pranay himself as part of an effort where he wanted people from all walks of life across India to share their views about various topics related specifically towards their own lives – whether relevant ones pertaining directly towards health matters within these communities’ context (i..e.: “How much exercise do I need?”); topical ones relating directly towards social concerns within those same communities’ context such as environmental issues etc. 

Is it possible to make millions of rupees from YouTube in India?

YouTube is a great platform for YouTubers to earn money. YouTubers can get paid through ads, subscriptions, and view count. If you have a good channel with more than 2 million subscribers, then you will be able to start earning from your channel at least $1000 per month or more than that if you have high-quality content that attracts more YouTube viewers and subscribers on your channel.

YouTube is also an excellent platform for people who want to start their own business online because there are thousands of businesses that sell products or services on this site alone! The best part about this platform is its size; there are over 1 billion users who visit YouTube every month so it’s not hard at all to find someone willing to buy something from you. 

Do Indian YouTubers get paid well for their video content or do they not even get any payment for it?

The answer to this question is that Indian YouTubers do get paid well for their video content. They are paid through advertisements, sponsorships, and donations. Some of the popular channels on YouTube include Varnika Singh, Tanmay Bhat, and Ruby Rai who have earned millions of dollars from YouTube channel monetization.

Indian YouTubers also earn money from other sources such as merchandise sales and event ticket sales at live shows. Moreover, they can also sell their music albums online or even earn money by creating an app using which people can watch videos on mobile phones or tablets without downloading any applications. 

As you can see, it’s possible to earn money from YouTube in India. However, if you want to make it big in this industry then you need to work hard and put in your best efforts. If you are looking forward to making a career out of this then look no further than YouTube.