The Tamil sci-fi horror film Black, directed by KG Balasubramani, has officially premiered on Amazon Prime Video. Following its theatrical release on October 11, 2024, during the Ayudha Puja festivities, the film has captured significant attention for its intriguing blend of horror and science fiction. Starring Jiiva and Priya Bhavani Shankar, Black has quickly found its place among horror enthusiasts. With a successful run in cinemas, viewers can now enjoy the film from home on Prime Video. Produced by S.R. Prakash Babu and S.R. Prabhu of Potential Studios LLP, the movie features music by Sam C. S., cinematography by R. Gokul Benoy, and editing by Philomin Raj.
Where to Watch Black
Black is currently available for streaming on Amazon Prime Video, offering viewers the chance to watch the film in its original Tamil language.
Synopsis and Trailer Insights
The narrative centers on Vasanth, played by Jiiva, and Aaranya, portrayed by Priya Bhavani Shankar, as they navigate a series of unsettling events that intertwine supernatural elements with futuristic concepts. The trailer showcases the film’s intense atmosphere, complemented by striking visuals and a haunting score, setting the stage for a thrilling experience.
The plot unfolds with a series of bizarre incidents that blur the lines between reality and fantasy, plunging Vasanth and Aaranya into a deepening mystery filled with unexpected twists. The filmmakers have mentioned that Black takes inspiration from a well-known Hollywood sci-fi thriller, drawing comparisons to Coherence (2013) directed by James Ward Byrkit.
Cast and Crew Details
In addition to Jiiva and Priya Bhavani Shankar, Black features a supporting cast that includes Vivek Prasanna, Yog Japee, Sha Ra, and Swayam Siddha. Directed and written by KG Balasubramani, the film is produced by S.R. Prakash Babu and S.R. Prabhu. The suspenseful tone of the movie is heightened by R. Gokul Benoy’s cinematography and Philomin Raj’s editing, while Sam C. S.’s musical score enhances the overall cinematic experience.
Audience Reception
Since its release, Black has received positive feedback from both viewers and critics, who commend its originality within the Tamil sci-fi horror genre.