Youtube is one of the most viewed sites after a Google search. It has more than 2.5 million monthly users who watch more than 1 billion hours a day. Google owns it. Youtube is a free online video-sharing website where a few people create and upload videos, and a few more watch those videos. Youtube has become one of the top most used social media platforms. This field has so much competition that many people want to stand out. In these cases, the viewers get a lot of options, and most of them tend to follow which has relatable content and where the content is more mesmerizing. Youtube recently launched a lot of new features in the app, and a few of them are youtube shorts and youtube premium package. Youtube premium is an optional paid subscription package where you can watch youtube content without ads. 

What are youtube views? 

When a person or a subscriber intentionally watches your video for more than 30 seconds, then it’s counted as one view. If a person watches your videos more than once, his view will be counted more than once. For example, if you watched your video twice, your screening will be counted as two views. And yes, if you’re watching your own videos, then screening is still counted, and your videos will get your views too. People can view your video if they are your subscriber, or if your video is recommended to others and then they watch, you get views too. There are many ways to get more views quickly. 

What is like or thumbs up in a video? It is a way to express to the creator that you liked his/ her video. There are two buttons, one like button and another dislike button. If you liked the creator’s video, you could like that video, or if you disliked the content in the video, then you can dislike the video. The choice is yours. 

Now, which is more important- views or likes? Mostly likes are for the creator’s appreciation, and views are when you see the video, then the video gains YouTube view. Now for what is more important, views are more important than likes because when you monetize your account, the views are important here. Now there are two ways you can gain money with views: 

CPM and CPC: CPM or cost per mille (thousand) is the money the advertiser pays you for every thousand views on that ad. 

CPC or cost per click is the money an advertiser pays for every click on their ad. 

  •  Nowadays, the creators of their videos ask to like, share, comment, and subscribe. Well, that’s for a good reason; the more number of subscribers, the more money you make. In these cases, the channel with many subscribers will be recommended to people and shown in the related videos list. When subscribers watch your videos, they tend to come across ads; the more people watch the ad, the more money you earn; similarly, the engagement will be more in the comments, and the views will also increase, which gives rise to earning more money.

Now you can use a few tricks to increase views. Ways to increase views: 

  • Tags: when you search for something on youtube, youtube will suggest the most relevant video at the top. The top videos are more likely to get more views than the bottom ones. Now when creating tags for your video, make sure you write down the specific key tags first because youtube usually refers to those tags which are at first.
  • Thumbnail: most people see the thumbnail, and if it looks interesting, they click on the video. The audience will only be attracted if your thumbnail is mesmerizing enough. The viewer will be more interested in the video if you have a funky or attractive thumbnail. Try making an engaging thumbnail and make it exciting.
  • Too long videos: the audience is always interested in short, crisp, entertaining videos. If your videos are shorter, they will likely get bored easily and leave the video unseen. You can use youtube’s new feature, youtube shorts, for this problem, create fun little videos for 60-90 seconds and post it. People like this type of content.
  • The starting part: if the start of the video is boring, slow, or silent, the chances are that your audience might get bored at the start and may not feel like watching the video. Keep the video starts or intro energetic and quick and make sure not to drag it too long.
  • Publicity: Publicity is the main; if people don’t know about your youtube channel, then post about it on other social media apps too. Ask your friends and family to help share videos with others.
  • Don’t make negative videos; try not to spread negativity. Make sure it’s not offensive. The viewers will not like this content and will automatically avoid the video.

Youtube is a very useful site/ app. It has both advantages and disadvantages. It is a vast area to explore. One should use someone’s guidance if they are new to youtube. One should be careful and not fall into any kind of scam. People nowadays love working on social media, and youtube is one of them. People who create and the viewer both enjoy their jobs. Youtube is shared amongst a huge population, and people thoroughly enjoy it. It affects the population in large quantities. As much as youtube is mesmerizing and helpful, it has its side effects; one should use this kind of social media carefully.